Docker: An Introduction to Containerization

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of software development and deployment, efficiency and scalability are paramount. Enter Docker, a revolutionary tool that has transformed the way applications are built, shipped, and run. But what exactly is Docker, and why has it become such a game-changer in the world of technology? Understanding Docker: Docker is a platform that … Read more

Create Amazon S3 Bucket and upload an image

1- Open the AWS Management console and log in. The following screen displays after logging in: 2- Navigate to the given below path – Services -> Storage -> S3 3- After clicking on S3 given below screen will display. Click on Create bucket button. 4- Enter the unique bucket name by following bucket naming convention. … Read more

Functional Interfaces in java 8

Key points List of pre-defined functional interface in java 8 Java contains a set of functional interfaces designed for commonly occurring use cases, so we don’t have to create our own functional interfaces for every little use case. Java functional interfaces example- 1- Predicate<T> It represents a Boolean-valued return function. It receives one argument and returns … Read more

Spring Boot 3 + Swagger integration example

In this article I am going to explain Swagger integration with Spring Boot 3. Swagger simplifies the documentation of RESTful APIs. It allows developers to define APIs using the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and generates interactive documentation automatically.This documentation contains details about the supported HTTP methods, available endpoints, request/response payloads etc. It helps API consumers to … Read more